Green Mountain Blog
Ahhhhh Choooooo!!!! Bless you!
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
We all know the work place is a breeding ground for germs. 3 areas to keep clean throughout the day is your desktop, your phone and your computer. We suggest you keep plenty of disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers. Did you know that New York has the highest amount of germs in the workplace?
The weather plays a big part in whether people leave for lunch or not, so as the weather turns colder, people are staying at their desks more often and passing along their germs! Another silly little tip we learned….take the stairs. Everyone is crammed in the elevators spreading their germs, while only a small percentage opt for the stairs. You can stay healthy and get your exercise.
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10/31/2018 - Ahhhhh Choooooo!!!! Bless you!